These 7 cooking tips will make your recipes healthier

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Cooking in a healthy way not only has to do with the ingredients we use, but also with the way we cook them. So if you are looking for simple ways to make your meals healthier, you have to know these healthy cooking tips!

The best healthy cooking tips

1. Preserve nutrientscooking tips

To conserve most of the nutrients in food, it is best to eat them raw. And if you have to cook them choose to skip them briefly or steam them before boiling, frying or baking them.

2. Dressing without caloriescooking tips

To add more flavor to your meals, opt for calorie-free dressings such as herbs and spices instead of commercial sauces and dressings.

3. Freeze the foodcooking tips

We all know that homemade food is healthier than purchased because when cooking it we know exactly the quality and type of ingredients we use. But since we don’t always have time or desire to cook, a good idea is to freeze food so that you always have homemade food on hand.

4. Try the smoothiescooking tips

Another good idea for when you are too tired to cook is to prepare a smoothie. Not many know that a smoothie can replace a meal in case of trouble, and you can add a lot of natural and healthy ingredients.

5. Avoid canning

Most canned foods contain large amounts of sodium and preservative chemicals. It is best to avoid canned foods and instead choose frozen vegetables. In case you have to buy canned vegetables, rinse them before using to remove at least part of the sodium.

6. Replace the butter with this

Did you know that you can substitute butter in many of your sweet recipes for banana or apple? You can substitute up to ½ cup of butter for 3 mashed bananas, or 1 cup of butter for 1 cup of applesauce.

7. Prefer skim dairycooking tips

A simple way to avoid a large number of calories easily in any recipe is to substitute whole dairy products such as cheese, milk, and yogurt with skim milk.

Do you know any other type of cuisine that makes recipes healthier? Comment!

Roger Walker
Roger Walker

Roger Walker is a seasoned technology enthusiast with a knack for simplifying complex concepts. With over a decade of experience in the tech industry, he brings a unique perspective to his writing. From AI to cybersecurity, Roger's articles blend expertise with accessibility, making him a trusted voice in the digital landscape.

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